The Facts.

Healthcare Needs to Work for Us.

According to the American Journal of Public Health, 2/3rds of Americans cite Medical issues and costs as their number one reason for filing for bankruptcy. Health and happiness for all Wisconsinites should not force them into a pit of almost irreversible debt. That is why I believe in guaranteed access to quality and affordable care, regardless of zip code. If elected, I would support putting healthcare into the hands of the public by improving options such as BadgerCare and fully supporting the BadgerCare public option healthcare plan.

Cause for Bankruptcy

Solving the Public School Funding Crisis.

There is no doubt that many of you have seen this enormous rise in Public School referendums around our state and community. It is because of a simple fact: in the last decade, public school funding has dramatically fallen out of pace with inflation. If this trend continues, funding for public schools may never keep pace with inflation. If elected, I am committed to ensuring that School Districts get their funding in line with inflation, and I will and repeal Act 10 to give our teachers a voice and a return of adequate pay. We can do this by using our tax surplus, decreasing public taxpayer dollars to private voucher schools, and using appropriate taxation methods that do not take from the paystubs of hardworking Wisconsinites. 

Helping the Working Class and Making Unions Strong.

The working and middle classes genuinely make our state and community great. But, as we have all felt in our wallets and paychecks, the American dream of the pursuit of happiness is hard to hold on to when we are all struggling to make ends meet. This wasn’t always the case in Wisconsin; it doesn’t have to be the norm. I believe that if we empower the working class and lift up our unions, it will benefit all Wisconsinites. Union membership in Wisconsin is almost half what it was in the year 2000, but it is on the slow rise yet again but, it is still in a fragile place. To save unions and the working class, I fully support the repeal of Act 10 and Right to Work laws that have weakened our unions, which has caused a staggering decrease in real wages for the average Wisconsinite. By supporting unions, we protect the dignity of labor and the safety-net that unions provide everyone in Wisconsin.